Choosing your life

So often, I hear from people, “I wish my life could be that way” or “I can’t make my life that way.” Or maybe it’s some rendition of “I’m too busy I wish I could slow down.”

So many times, we miss that we choose what our life will be.

Yes, there are so many things that happen in life that we don’t choose. People die, the unexpected happens, bills arise. Life happens. But it is how we handle it and the choices we make that eventually define our lives.

We choose.

We choose to do the hard work to stay in the present moment. We choose when to spend or save. We choose what or when we eat. We choose where to spend our time. We choose. Many times, the choices are not easy. It’s not as simple as we wish it were. I may choose to eat healthily, and then it comes to a greater choice. What do I value more, eating healthy or eating with my family? Can I do both? Maybe not. I have to choose and make hard choices. Should I work 20, 40, or 60 hours a week? No matter what I choose, there are real implications for my family and myself. What choices are you making? Do your choices align with the desire you have for your life?

One of the most significant most impactful choices we make is to stay connected to the moment. Will I turn up the TV or YouTube Chanel and ignore my inner world. Will I sit in the quiet and drink a cup of tea? What rhythms will I make my normal?

Be present

                Today I want to challenge you to be present in the moment. To keep your mind on what is happening right here right now.  We often get bogged down in our to-do list or thinking about the past or the future. Yet, the reward for staying in the present is much greater than we may realize. However, it is not easy. It takes work and discipline. How do we learn to stay present? We do it. Over and over and over again, we notice when our minds wander and bring ourselves back to the present. What do you see? What do you hear? How do you feel? Are you in touch with your body? Can you notice your feet on the ground or your back against a chair? What physical things in this world can ground you and help you stay in the moment? What can you appreciate that is happening or around you right now?

Be thankful

                In all things, give thanks. In every moment, there is something for which to be thankful. In the hard moments, in the happy moments, in the moments you just wish would end, there is always a reason to give thanks. I have air to breathe. I have an office to work in. I have people who love me and people I get to love. When we are intentional to notice the gifts God gives, the good in life, the noticing begins to bring joy and balance. It does not take away the pain or make hard things not hard, but instead, it reminds us that there is more to life than just one thing.  We see a bigger picture when we give thanks. What can you give thanks for today? Can you make a list of 10 things? Maybe 20 or 40? Has God given you 100 things to be thankful for today? Notice, count them and give thanks.

Be connected to God

                As we pause, stay in the moment, and give thanks, we allow ourselves to connect with God. When we give thanks, we recognize God as the giver of all good gifts. We see His authority over our lives and know that He is in control.  Though we may try to, we cannot do life alone. We need God. We need a savior who loves and forgives, who heals and walks with us through life. We need to spend time with Him, to know Him and His word. We need to know His heart and His ways. We need His presence if we are to have peace.  

So, choose.

Choose to notice, stay in the moment, give thanks, and stay connected to God.

Choose the life you want. Choose to turn from anxiety, depression, & fear. Choose not to do life alone. Choose to get help if that is what you need, but choose. Do not let life happen to you. Choose what life you want and work for it.

And if you need a helping hand on that journey, let me know. I’d be glad to walk with you, encourage you, and help you slow down, notice, and connect with God.

Chandler Baggett Whitford M.A. LCMHC

Chandler Baggett Whitford is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor. She has been a therapist for over 5 years. She considers it a privilege to walk with people through life and encourage, uplift and help them grow. Schedule an appointment by calling or texting her at (252) 341-7365.

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